Optimization of Kring Serse by the Criminal Investigation Unit to Prevent Ordinary Theft Cases in the Tulungagung Police Jurisdiction

  • Ni Putu Ayu Ratna Dewi Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia


Optimizing kring serse activities is a preventive policing strategy employed by the Tulungagung District Police (Polres Tulungagung) to address theft crimes within its jurisdiction. This research aims to identify methods of optimizing kring serse activities by the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satuan Reserse Kriminal/Satreskrim) that can enhance the handling of theft crimes. Qualitative research methods, including interviews, document analysis, and field observations, are utilized. The research findings indicate that the implementation of kring serse activities by Satreskrim is primarily focused on urban areas, which consequently leads to an increase in criminality, particularly theft crimes, in rural areas. These findings suggest the need for problem-solving measures, such as expanding surveillance coverage, strengthening cross-sector cooperation, and enhancing the quality of human resources within Satreskrim of Polres Tulungagung through training and skill development. In conclusion, these measures are expected to enhance the effectiveness of kring serse activities in preventing ordinary theft crimes within the region.

How to Cite
Dewi, N. P. A. R. (2024). Optimization of Kring Serse by the Criminal Investigation Unit to Prevent Ordinary Theft Cases in the Tulungagung Police Jurisdiction. Tanggon Kosala, 14(1). Retrieved from http://journal.akpol.ac.id/index.php/tanggonkosala/article/view/1566