Implementation of Mobile ETLE in Handling Traffic Violations by Two-Wheeled Vehicle Riders at Blitar City Police

  • Ni Putu Ayu Ratna Dewi Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia


Currently, there are traffic problems in the Blitar City Police area still an ongoing problem. One of the problems that The problem faced is traffic violations committed by wheelers the two most frequent violations each year. Effort Law enforcement is carried out by carrying out fines electronically using ETLE Mobile is considered still not optimal in handling traffic violations by two-wheeled riders. The aim of this research is to describe the implementation, influencing factors, and optimization of ETLE Mobile in handling traffic violations by two-wheeled riders at the Police Blitar City. The concepts used include the concept of optimization, traffic violations, and ETLE Mobile. The theories used include: management theory, SWOT analysis, and legal effectiveness. This research is qualitative research with a field research type of research collecting data by interviewing several sources, observation, and document study. The research results show the implementation of ETLE Mobile at the District Police Headquarters Blitar City is one of the ticketing methods carried out by Blitar City Police Traffic Unit. There are various influencing factors ETLE Mobile at the Blitar City Police Station which supports and hinders implementation starts from the law which is the basis for the training, personnel law enforcers who have undergone training, adequate infrastructure capable but there are still shortcomings in it, and society and a culture that tends to be conducive. There are several obstacles An obstacle in implementing ETLE Mobile is planning implementation that has not been well organized, minimal knowledge community about ETLE Mobile, and the facilities that need to be improved support the implementation of ETLE Mobile.

How to Cite
Dewi, N. P. A. R. (2024). Implementation of Mobile ETLE in Handling Traffic Violations by Two-Wheeled Vehicle Riders at Blitar City Police. Tanggon Kosala, 14(1). Retrieved from