The Effectiveness of Dialogical Patrols in Preventing Motor Vehicle Theft by the Patrol Unit of the Samapta Division of Malang City Police

  • Qobitin Elia Rosa Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia


This final assignment uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis research methods. The background to this final assignment is the high number of thefts in the Malang City Police jurisdiction. Fluctuations in theft that occur need to be prevented in order to realize Security and Order, therefore the National Police operational unit which is tasked with prevention and community service is the main priority carried out by Samapta members. This research aims to describe the implementation of dialogic patrols and organizational resources from the Malang Police Sat Samapta Patrol Unit, as well as the effectiveness of dialogic patrols to prevent criminal acts of theft. The implementation of dialogic patrols carried out by the Malang City Police Sat Samapta Patrol Unit is connected to elements hotspot policing. And the theory of organizational effectiveness is used to see how effective dialogical patrols are in preventing criminal acts of theft. The effectiveness of dialogical patrols is influenced by internal factors such as the absence of an active plan prior to the implementation of the patrol, the lack of patrol unit personnel, the competency of personnel not being in accordance with the implementation of their duties, and the facilities and infrastructure owned by the patrol unit being outdated. Meanwhile, external factors such as people's negligence in maintaining the vehicles they own. Suggestions for the Samapta Patrol Unit's efforts to increase the effectiveness of dialogical patrols are to plan patrol implementation activities, add personnel, improve the quality of patrol members, improve maintenance on the patrol unit's facilities and infrastructure, and carry out appeals to the public regarding the Community Security and Order message.  


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How to Cite
Rosa, Q. E. (2024). The Effectiveness of Dialogical Patrols in Preventing Motor Vehicle Theft by the Patrol Unit of the Samapta Division of Malang City Police. Tanggon Kosala, 14(2). Retrieved from