Implementation of the SIM C Test in Measuring Safety Riding Ability to Minimize Traffic Accidents at Kediri Police Station

  • Alif Hizqya Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia


Traffic accidents are a serious problem that needs to be addressed, wrong the other is through measuring the safety riding abilities of previous riders obtain a driving license (SIM) C. This research aims to analyze the implementation of the SIM C exam in measuring safety riding abilities in order to minimize the number of accidents at the Kediri Police. Research methods used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through observations, interviews, and document studies. The research results show that The implementation of the SIM C test at the Kediri Police Satpas is in accordance with policy which is valid even though there are still some shortcomings. Factors that influences the SIM C exam in measuring safety riding abilities, among other things equifinality, multifinality, purposive behavior, satisficing, and viability. Implementation measuring safety riding ability through the SIM C exam is able to minimize accident rate by decreasing the number of accidents and the number of bicycles motorbikes involved in accidents after upgrading the issuance of SIM C. Required optimizing the SIM C exam system and increasing public awareness of it The importance of the procedure for obtaining a SIM C before driving.


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How to Cite
Hizqya, A. (2024). Implementation of the SIM C Test in Measuring Safety Riding Ability to Minimize Traffic Accidents at Kediri Police Station. Tanggon Kosala, 14(2). Retrieved from