Optimization of Traffic Education Activities to Reduce Traffic Accidents by the Kamsel Unit of the Traffic Police in the Nganjuk Police Jurisdiction

  • Arvin Razzan Pratama Hardyan Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia


Traffic accident becoming a serious problem that has not decreased in Nganjuk City. Every year there are significant increase in the number of traffic accidents. This is caused by the high level of human error phenomena made by drivers. This problem must be a serious attention by the Nganjuk Traffic Corps, especially Security and Safety Unit as the preemtive action executor to reduce traffic accidents. Those phenomena also indicates that the action of Security and Safety Unit have not been optimal enough. Along with that, the aim of this research are to find out why human error is becoming the main factor of traffic accidents, to describe the implementation of traffic education by the Security and Safety Unit of Nganjuk Traffic Police Corps, and to find optimizations that are appropriate to the existing problems of the traffic education in the jurisdiction of the Nganjuk Regional Police. In order to achieve the research objectives, authors used the SRK model theory, management theory, organism stimulus response theory and persuasive communication theroy as tools for problem analysis. The concepts used are optimization, traffic education, Security and Safety Unit, human error and traffic accidents with research methods using a qualitative approach with action research model. The research results show that human error is the main cause of traffic accidents because generally the perpetrators are not technically, juridically or psychologically skilled as shown by their unavailableness of having a driver license. Meanwhile, the implementation of the Security and Safety Unit Nganjuk Traffic Police Corps still tends to be less than optimal, this could be happen due to the unaccordance of the targets, still using conventional methods and irrelevant material that are unsuitable to the actual violations that cause traffic accidents. To response those findings, authors optimize the Traffic Education in various aspects, such as targets, methods and material that utilize technology in the form of video and social media.  

How to Cite
Hardyan, A. R. P. (2024). Optimization of Traffic Education Activities to Reduce Traffic Accidents by the Kamsel Unit of the Traffic Police in the Nganjuk Police Jurisdiction. Tanggon Kosala, 14(1). Retrieved from http://journal.akpol.ac.id/index.php/tanggonkosala/article/view/1487