The Effectiveness of Investigations by the General Crime Unit of the Criminal Investigation Division in Increasing the Resolution of Burglary Cases in the Malang Police Jurisdiction

  • Aditya Pamungkas Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia


Aggravated theft is currently the most common crime. Various backgrounds are the reasons why someone commits a criminal act of cheating, whether economic factors or the personality of someone who has been a recidivist. For this reason, the Tipidum Unit of the Malang Police Criminal Investigation Unit continues to strive to improve and activate every process for handling fraudulent crimes. The effectiveness of management and investigation methods are the main factors in the success of fraud crime accidents. This research uses a qualitative approach, this is motivated by the problems that occur requiring descriptive analysis. A qualitative approach is also suitable to be combined with this type of field research so that researchers can describe findings in the field clearly and easily understood. Based on the results of research conducted by the author, the implementation of investigations into criminal acts of cheating in the Porles Malang jurisdiction can be said to be effective. This is indicated by the compatibility of the investigation carried out with Perkabareskrim No. 1 of 2022 concerning SOPs for Criminal Investigations. This effectiveness too. characterized by the competence of Malang Police Criminal Investigation Unit personnel which can be categorized well. The low percentage of resolution of fraudulent crimes is due to several factors such as the characteristics of the jurisdiction of the Malang Police, and the situation and conditions of the jurisdiction of the Malang Police. And the Malang Police also continues. improving the latest programs and innovations that support the precise implementation of the main tasks of the National Police (Predictive, Responsive and Fair Transparency) to realize law and order and law and order in society.


Kata Kunci: Efektivitas, Penyelidikan, Curat, Unit Tipidum Satreskrim Polres Malang.
How to Cite
Pamungkas, A. (2024). The Effectiveness of Investigations by the General Crime Unit of the Criminal Investigation Division in Increasing the Resolution of Burglary Cases in the Malang Police Jurisdiction. Tanggon Kosala, 14(1). Retrieved from