The Effectiveness of Bhabinkamtibmas through the Binmas Online System Version 2 (BOS V2) in Reducing Aggravated Theft in the Magetan Police Jurisdiction

  • sefriana fajar artikel tugas akhir


The high number of criminal offences of theft with aggravation can be caused by the high expenditure that is not proportional to the income in Magetan Regency. The Binmas Online System Version 2 (BOS V2) application, is the latest Baharkam breakthrough application that assists Bhabinkamtibmas personnel in maintaining and maintaining public order. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Bhabinkamtibas performance and the use of the BOS V2 application by Bhabinkamtibmas in suppressing the number of theft with aggravation (curat) in the Magetan Police jurisdiction. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of field research. Primary data collection was carried out by means of interviews, forum group discussion (FGD), observation, while secondary data collection was sourced from document examination. Source triangulation was used to compare data from different sources. The research shows that the effectiveness of Bhabinkamtibmas performance and the use of BOS V2 have not been effective in suppressing the number of aggravated thefts in the Magetan Police jurisdiction. This is due to shortcomings in the application system and Bhabinkamtibmas who still have difficulty using this application.


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How to Cite
fajar, sefriana. (2024). The Effectiveness of Bhabinkamtibmas through the Binmas Online System Version 2 (BOS V2) in Reducing Aggravated Theft in the Magetan Police Jurisdiction. Tanggon Kosala, 14(1). Retrieved from