Optimization of the Performance of Satreskrim in Handling Online Fraud Crimes to Improve Case Resolution in the Jurisdiction of Madiun City Police Resort

  • I Nyoman Andika Maha Putra Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia


The creation of security and public order must be based on the condition of the community which has legal certainty, but in fact in the jurisdiction of the Madiun City Police, there are many cases of criminal acts of online fraud but this is not accompanied by optimal handling by the Madiun City Police Criminal Investigation Unit. The aim of carrying out this research is to find out how investigators perform in handling cases and find solutions to the factors causing the low rate of resolution of online fraud cases in the Madiun City Police jurisdiction. This research uses a qualitative approach with observation data collection techniques, documentation studies and interviews. By using performance theory and SWOT analysis, the author finds that the process of resolving online fraud cases is still zero, because investigators find it difficult to find the position of the perpetrator and the lack of technological facilities capable of supporting the implementation of their duties, apart from that there are also inhibiting factors in handling solving criminal cases of online fraud, starting from an inadequate budget and members who do not understand how to handle cases because they have never carried out specialist development education (Dikbangspes) related to siber. Based on research findings, the performance of the Madiun City Police Criminal Investigation Unit in handling online fraud cases to increase case resolution is less than optimal. It is recommended that members of this unit undergo special training in sibercrime, obtain special equipment for information technology and electronic evidence handling. These steps are important to increase the resolution rate of online fraud cases.

How to Cite
Putra, I. N. A. M. (2024). Optimization of the Performance of Satreskrim in Handling Online Fraud Crimes to Improve Case Resolution in the Jurisdiction of Madiun City Police Resort. Tanggon Kosala, 13(2). Retrieved from http://journal.akpol.ac.id/index.php/tanggonkosala/article/view/1388