Optimalization of Dikmas Activity in Reducing the Number of Traffic Violations through ETLE by Satlantas Polres Gresik
Traffic violations are one type of violation that is often committed by Indonesian residents. Based on data released by Korlantas Polri there were 795,244 units of registered vehicles in Gresik Regency. This is a high potential for traffic violations, with 51,372 cases of violations caught through ETLE occurring throughout 2023. This raises the hypothesis that there are still Indonesian people who do not understand the rules of driving properly and correctly. In this case, of course, there is a need for good education by Polres Gresik in carrying out preventive actions in the form of providing public education in driving in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Thus, this study is intended to describe how the implementation of Dikmas Lantas by Unit Kamsel Satlantas Polres Gresik in reducing the number of traffic violations caught through ETLE and factors that affect the activities of Dikmas Lantas in the community. This research uses a qualitative approach with the validity of the author's data using the data triangulation method, while data analysis is carried out using interactive analysis techniques, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. Management theory is used to describe the optimization performance of Dikmas Lantas, while SWOT theory and communication are used to analyze the factors that affect the optimization performance of Dikmas Lantas in reducing the number of traffic violations through ETLE by Satlantas Polres Gresik. Based on the results of the research conducted, it was concluded that several anomalies were found related to the optimization performance of Dikmas Lantas, among others, personnel who have not attended vocational education related to traffic so that there are material limitations in delivery, duties and double responsibilities due to lack of personnel and implementation that is still focused on the general public. The advice given by the author is to provide more training to Kamsel Unit personnel on improving their communication skill, and using technology-based opportunities, namely social media to reach more interest by minimizing the use of personnel, so that existing personnel can be utilized efficiently.
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