Advances in Police Science Research Journal <p style="text-align: justify;">Advances in Police Science Research Journal (<em>Adv. Police Stud. Research J.</em>) (ISSN Online <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-4872</a> ISSN Print <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-4864</a>) merupakan jurnal <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>double blind peer-reviewed journal</strong></span> yang terbit tiap bulan, diterbitkan oleh Akademi Kepolisian Indonesia. Jurnal ini memuat artikel-artikel hasil penelitian berkaitan dengan kajian ilmu kepolisian dalam berbagai perspektif, baik sosial, hukum, kebudayaan, politik, ekonomi, teknologi, maupun pertahanan dan keamanan. Jurnal ini bertujuan menjadi wadah bagi para peneliti, akademisi, mahasiswa, pemangku kebijakan, dan masyarakat dalam memberikan masukan bagi pengembangan studi ilmu kepolisian di Indonesia dan dalam konteks global.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Advances in the Police Science Research Journal (<em>Adv. Police Stud. Research J.</em>) (ISSN Online <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-4872</a> ISSN Print <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-4864</a>) is a <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>double-blind peer-reviewed journal,</strong></span> published monthly, published by the Indonesian National Police Academy. This journal contains research articles relating to the study of police science in various perspectives, both social, legal, cultural, political, economic, technological, as well as defense and security. This journal aims to be a forum for researchers, academics, students, policy makers, and the public to provide input for the development of police science studies in Indonesia and in a global context.</p> Indonesian National Police Academy en-US Advances in Police Science Research Journal 2722-4864 The Role of the Sabhara Patrol in Preventing the Crime of Two-Wheeled Theft for Harkamtibmas at the Kuningan Police <p>This research is motivated by the condition of development of criminal acts of vehicle theft that occured in Indonesia, whose existence is still make public worry. Law enforcement and rehabilitation actions have not resolved the problem, so the most effective action is prevention. The preventive action is the form of a patroli carried out by the Sabhara Unit which in this case the target focus is the people of Kunigan Regency. the theft of vehicles, especially two-whelled vehicles, is widespread and disrupts the Kuningan Regency public order and safety. Research is conducted to find out the efforts to optimize the Sabhara Unit patrols against the people of Kuningan Regency. The study was conducted with a ualitative approach, analytical descriptive research methods, and data collection techniques through observation, interview, and document review.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The result of the study analyzed with Crime Prevention Theory, Management Theory, Routine Activity Theory, Communication Theory, and Patrol Concept show that management in the implementation of Sabhara unit patrols in preventing criminal acts of two-wheeled vehicle is still not optional. THere are discrepancies in some of the activities contained in the patrol concept in accordance with the Head of Security Maintenance Regulation No. 1 of 2017 concerning Patrol. Then the ability and readiness of the officers in carrying out&nbsp; patrol activities was still lacking. Especially in ability of communication with peolple.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Based on the results of the study, the author suggest that increased activities in the implementation of patrol and the delivery of public order and safety messages extend to all areas of Kuningan Police jurisdiction so that acts of two-wheeled vehicle theft in large areas can be prevented. Then for the supervision of each patrol implementation in accordance with the standard operating procedures that already exist in the Head of Security Maintenance Regulations without adding or substracting the points. Then provide vocational education and development to personnel so that they have competence in patrol duties and can carry out patrol responsibilities well. And by forming a standard operating procedures planning and drafting team so that the personnel in charge of patrol know clearly their duties and responsibilities, fulfill their tasks and the objective of maintaining public order and safety are realized.</p> Adhitya Wiratama Copyright (c) 2023 Adhitya Wiratama 2023-03-06 2023-03-06 7 3 The Implementation of Traffic Management Center (TMC) to decrease Traffic Congestion in Polres Kuningan Jurisdiction Area <p>The presence of TMC in Kuningan City Police Department is a policy made by the chief of Police Department to overcome various traffic problems. However, the existence of this policy is still unable to realize traffic safety and order in Kuningan City, especially in decreasing the traffic congestion during Eid celebrations. The increase of traffic congestion during Eid and holidays is a proof that traffic safety and order is not yet achieved in Kuningan City. These traffic congestion are caused by the increase of vehicle volume in Kuningan City. On the spots where the vehicle volume increased, the CCTV camera that supposed to connect to TMC was not connected.</p> <p>This research uses management, instruments, and elements of management theories, implementation theory, NTMC concept and traffic congestion concept. This research uses qualitative approach by adopting field research methods. The methods of data collection used were through interview, observation and document analysis. Qualitative data analysis in this research was done through data codification, presentation and conclusion. There are several findings in this resarch. First, TMC is not functional during ordinary days. Second, constraint on TMC is in the quantity of CCTV camera they possess. Third, TMC operators only rely on social media in their efforts to decrease traffic congestion. Fourth, the lack of monetary allocation in TMC can hinder the maintenance of inventory equipment.</p> <p>This research concludes that the main obstacle of Kuningan City Police Department’s TMC lies in the unavailablity of specific monetary allocation. The lack of this specific monetary allocation causes hindrance in the maintenance of TMC’s main equipment. The results of this research suggest that the chief of Kuningan City Police Department should single out a specific monetary allocation for their TMC to maintain the performance of TMC’s main equipment and to develop a better cooperation between the Traffic Unit of Kuningan City Police Department and the Department of Transportations and the Department of Communications and Informatics</p> <p>Key Words : TMC, Traffic Congestion, CCTV, Traffic Management Center.</p> Irfan Muzaffar Sondani Copyright (c) 2023 Irfan Muzaffar Sondani 2023-03-06 2023-03-06 7 3 The Role of Bintibmas Binmas Unit Through Guidance and Counseling in Reducing the Crime Rate of Two-wheeled Motorized Vehicle Theft by the Garut Police <p>Latar belakang dilaksanakan penelitian ini adalah dikarenakan tingkat pidana pencurian kendaraan bermotor roda dua sangat tinggi, sehingga diperlukan peran dari unit bintibmas satuan binmas dalam menekan angka tindak pidana pencurian bermotor roda dua.dan adapun Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan peran yang dilakukan oleh Polres Garut dalam menekan tindak pidana curanmor serta faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam pencegahaan tindak pidana curanmor.</p> <p>Penelitian ini menggunakan teori manajemen, Unsur manajemen 6M, konsep curanmor dan konsep sosialiasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif analisis. Fokus penelitian ini membahas peran unit bintibmas dalam binluh guna menekan tingkat pencurian kendaraan bermotor roda dua di wilayah hukum polres garut. Pengumpulan data dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap beberapa sumber, observasi serta studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mereduksi data, display data dan melakukan penarikan kesimpulan.</p> <p>Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) Kekurangan personil sehingga mengakibatkan penumpukan tugas 2) Sarana dan Prasarana sudah rusak dan tidak diperbaikai 3) Metode yang digunakan belum sesuai dengan jaman yang berlaku 4) pengendalian hanya bersifat formalitas dan sebulan sekali. Rendahnya kemampuan ekonomi masyarkat dan tingginya biaya kebutuhan hidup membuat para pelaku menjadikan tindak pidana curanmor sebagai solusi permasalahan hidup.</p> <p>Saran yang ditujukan kepada objek terkait antara lain ialah pemerataan personil, peningkatan kualitas personil, adanya control dari pimpinan, pengggunaan metode disesuaikan dengan jaman yang berlangsung, serta adanya pembaruan terhadap sarpras yang telah mengalami kerusakan.</p> Iskandar Arya Buana Copyright (c) 2023 Iskandar Arya Buana 2023-03-06 2023-03-06 7 3 The Role of Bhabinkamtibmas in Preventing the Crime of Motorized Vehicle Theft at the Purwakarta City Police <p>The increasing number of motor vehicle theft criminal acts in Purwakarta district and the lack of public vigilance make the crime that happens to be high too. And the pattern of prevention which is prioritized by the National Police is more acceptable to the community than the repressive pattern so that the writer raises a thesis that focuses on how the role of bhabinkamtibmas in the prevention of criminal acts of curanmor which has the aim of describing the modus operandi of curanmor and factors affecting the role of bhabinkamtibmas in efforts to prevent criminal acts chancel.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Writing this thesis uses a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive research. Data collection techniques with interviews, observations, and literature methods. There are primary and secondary data sources and theories used to analyze are management theory and communication theory.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The results of the study found that the role of Bhabinkamtibmas in preventing criminal acts of fraud was carried out through coaching carried out to the community by giving appeals to the people of kamtibmas. While the efforts made by Bhabinkamtibmas through the Friday Friday activities. There are factors that influence Bhabinkamtibmas in carrying out their duties, namely internal factors consisting of human resources, facilities and infrastructure, and budget while external factors come from the community itself. Based on the discussion of the study, the writer advises the leadership to analyze and evaluate Bhabinkamtibmas personnel and have a standard for evaluating Bhabinkamtibmas members, emphasizing the provision of material to the public regarding the theft of motor vehicles, repairing facilities and infrastructure owned by Purwakarta city police, and provide rewards and punishment to members of Bhabinkamtibmas as motivating for work.</p> Ignasius Wira Leburaya Copyright (c) 2023 Ignasius Wira Leburaya 2023-03-06 2023-03-06 7 3 Local Autonomy and Democracy: Problems and Challenges in the Disruptive Era <p>Indonesia, an archipelago Republic state with numerous kind of geographic, resources, government, etc. of each region in it. In this various differentiation of each regional local government, indeed it is needed some kind of a system in which each regional local government can act in independency to control and governs each unique characteristics of its own regional local government. The Local Authonomy is a State policy through the central government is the right, authority, and obligation of the autonomous region to govern and manage its own government affairs and interests in accordance with statutory regulations it is one of the answer in which Local regional government can independency to control and governs its own characteristic resources, etc.</p> Muhamad Adji Rahardian Utama Saifa Bila Copyright (c) 2023 Muhamad Adji Rahardian Utama, Saifa Bila 2023-03-06 2023-03-06 7 3