Traffic Unit Optimization of Sukoharjo Resort Police in Law Enforcement with ETLE Mobile to Reduce Traffic Violations

Keywords: Kata kunci : ETLE Mobile, pelanggaran lalu lintas, penegakan hukum


ETLE Mobile is a new program that is currently being developed at The Regional Police Station of Sukoharjo. Due to the ETLE Mobile being a new program at The Regional Police Station of Sukoharjo, there are many deficiencies that cause the ETLE Mobile program to not be optimal. There are Concepts and theories used by the authors to analyze the research focus of this final project. The concepts used include optimization, traffic units, law enforcement, ETLE Mobile, and traffic violations. The theories used are the theory of organizational resources and the management theory.The results of the study show that (1) ETLE Mobile is still not optimal because of the number of personnel. The Sukoharjo Police Traffic Unit still does not fulfill the DSP. But with the existing number, the Sukoharjo Police Traffic Unit can carry out activities smoothly because the organization has gone very well. In addition, the budget for sending letters is very limited and they need to cooperate with the local government to get budget support. The infrastructure for implementing ETLE Mobile is also inadequate, so it requires personal assistance from members of the Sukoharjo Police Traffic Unit. Basically, the method used is good enough, but the Sukoharjo Police Traffic Unit needs to improve the socialization program related to ETLE Mobile to increase awareness in the community itself. (2) The fundamental problems are that many people ignore ETLE Mobile activities and also do not pay fines to the Sukoharjo Police Traffic Unit office. Therefore, the organization needs to improve the planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling processes. Implementation of planning is realized by completing the administration before the implementation of ETLE Mobile. The organizing is by placing members in areas prone to violations. The actuating namely by implementing ETLE Mobile in accordance with the mechanism of transparency and accountability of implementing members. The last one, controlling in the form of a complete report on the results of activities to the leader.


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How to Cite
Putra, Moch. David Arya Susila. 2024. “Traffic Unit Optimization of Sukoharjo Resort Police in Law Enforcement With ETLE Mobile to Reduce Traffic Violations”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 4 (12).