Optimization of Sabhara Unit Patrol in Preventing Motor Vehicle Theft at Kuningan Police Department

  • Naufalsyah Al Borneo Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia


This research is motivated by the criminal act of motor vehicle theft in the Kuningan police area which is still high, especially two-wheeled curanmor with the last 3 years increasing numbers. Repressive measures only resolve criminal acts that have occurred where the victim already exists and the loss suffered by the victim. Therefore, preventive efforts are better carried out by the Sabhara unit, so that the important point is the role of the Sabhara Unit, therefore research is conducted to find out the Role of Sabhara members in the implementation of Patrol, the factors that influence the implementation of this patrol towards the prevention of acts criminal motor vehicle theft. This research method uses a qualitative approach. Using descriptive analysis research methods, and was chosen because the results of the study in the form of translation and explanation. Data collection techniques by interview, observation, and document review. Meanwhile, teknk the validity of the results of research using data triangulation techniques. Based on the results of research that the efforts carried out by the Sabhara Police Kuningan Unit Patrol Unit are still not optimal or still have constraints in their implementation due to lack of several things such as infrastructure facilities, the number of patrol members, the budget, the number of police officers who implement dikjur, and public concern for environmental security . So that researchers have a suggestion that it is necessary to foster the ability of all patrol officers through appropriate planning and organization in the implementation of patrols and controllers are actively involved to control and supervise the implementation of patrols


How to Cite
Borneo, Naufalsyah Al. 2024. “Optimization of Sabhara Unit Patrol in Preventing Motor Vehicle Theft at Kuningan Police Department”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 7 (11). http://journal.akpol.ac.id/index.php/apsrj/article/view/447.