The Role of the DIKYASA Unit in Raising Awareness of Using SNI-Certified Helmets to Maintain Traffic Safety and Order (Kamseltibcar Lantas)

  • Niken Ayu Prabandari Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Peran Unit Dikyasa, Program Dikmas Lantas, Helm SNI


The role of the Garut Police Traffic Unit Unit is claimed to raise awareness of using SNI helmets in order to maintain security, safety, order, and smooth traffic The low awareness and knowledge of the people of Garut Regency in traffic discipline and legal rejection that makes the community vulnerable to oppose the majority of SNI helmet use. To reduce the lottery, the role of Dikyasa Unit is needed to prevent and reduce the level of community use related to SNI helmets. The purpose of this study is to describe the causes of the inability of the public to use SNI helmets, describe safety in programs to increase the level of SNI helmet use, and explain the role played by the Garut Police Traffic Unit Unit of Special Autonomy to increase the use of SNI helmets. The writing of this thesis uses the collection of qualitative data collected in this study through collection / observation, interviews and document review. The conclusion of the discussion of this thesis is that the Unit Unit of Garut Traffic Police Unit in the implementation of the Community Health Program then in order to increase awareness to use SNI helmets was found to find deficiencies in the unit of service, among others the imbalance of human resources and community service programs, unsuitable for the need of needing assistance at the level people's understanding cannot be understood. For the community itself, there are still many who need staff change-time and there are still people who cannot buy SNI helmets due to cost reasons. The role undertaken by the Dikyasa Unit to raise public awareness has been carried out with personal management, and has used interpersonal communication with the community but still needs some improvements that need to be improved. The advice given by the author for the role of the Diktiasa Unit in raising public awareness to use SNI helmets in the framework of maintaining kamseltibcar is then to be able to mutate personnel, include personnel in education, renew protection and improve, new programs available as one of SNI helmets.


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How to Cite
Prabandari, Niken Ayu. 2024. “The Role of the DIKYASA Unit in Raising Awareness of Using SNI-Certified Helmets to Maintain Traffic Safety and Order (Kamseltibcar Lantas)”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 3 (1).