The Role of Traffic Education by the Education and Training Unit in Reducing Traffic Violations Among Students

  • Gabriella Gabriella Auliyaa Akademi Kepolisian
Keywords: Peran, Pendidikan Masyarakat, Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas


The efforts made by the Bogor City Traffic Police Task Force in suppressing the number of violations by students through speeding tickets have not been able to show maximum results, so it is important to conduct Dikmas Lantas. This study aims to analyze the role of Dikmas Lantas by the Dikyasa Unit in reducing the number of traffic violations among students in the Bogor City Police jurisdiction. Theoretical and conceptual literature used, namely role theory, management theory, communication theory, the concept of traffic violations, the Dikmas Lantas concept, and the concept of Police science. This study uses a qualitative approach with field research methods. Data analysis with data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study 1) Traffic violations among students in the jurisdiction of Bogor City Polresta are still relatively high as many as 39,981 committed by high school students. Forms of traffic violations committed by students include standing violations and moving violations. 2) Steps of Study by the Dikyasa Unit in suppressing the number of traffic violations among students in the jurisdiction of the Bogor City Police by adhering to management principles. However, the implementation of the Dikmas Lantas for students has not been able to touch all schools in the Bogor City Police jurisdiction. 3) Factors that support the implementation of Dikmas Lantas in suppressing the number of traffic violations among students in the Bogor City Police jurisdiction, namely vocational Dikmas Lantas, budget support, and support from the school. Factors hampering the implementation of the Dikmas Lantas in suppressing the number of traffic violations among students, namely facilities and infrastructure that require rejuvenation, lighting cars whose condition is damaged, as well as the attitude of parents who allow minors to drive motorbikes. The conclusion in this study, namely the role of Dikmas Lantas by Dikyasa Unit in suppressing the number of traffic violations among students in the Bogor City Police jurisdiction is not optimal because it is not comprehensive.


Dikmas Lantas
How to Cite
Gabriella Auliyaa, Gabriella. 2024. “The Role of Traffic Education by the Education and Training Unit in Reducing Traffic Violations Among Students”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 1 (11).