Implementation of Restorative Justice in Supporting Case Resolution in the Jurisdiction of the Pasuruan Police

  • Ngurah Madawa Ananda Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia


The jurisdiction of the Pasuruan Police Station has experienced an increase in population and is full of cultural diversity that is thick with religious nuances and complex with various multidimensional challenges. This has resulted in the Pasuruan Police Station experiencing an increase in criminal cases that have had an impact on the decline in crime clearance rates. Restoratif justice can be an alternative solution to dealing with this problem. This is important because the competence of investigators plays a crucial role. With the restoratif justice method, investigators can achieve maximum effectiveness, acting as mediators in the crime clearance process. Therefore, investigators with strong skills in applying restoratif justice are needed. This Final Task aims to identify the conditions and factors that influence the handling of criminal acts. It also explores the efforts and factors affecting the application of restoratif justice, and the competence and influence of investigators in achieving justice and restoring relationships in crime clearance within the Pasuruan Police Station's jurisdiction. The research employs theories of law enforcement, progressive law, and competence, along with concepts of application, restoratif justice, and crime clearance. It utilizes field research with data collection techniques such as interviews, observation, and document studies. Data analysis techniques involve data reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. The research findings indicate that the application of restoratif justice has been suboptimal due to investigator incompetence. Training and education are necessary to enhance investigators' understanding of this method. Additionally, mediator certification for investigators handling cases is crucial to ensure their qualifications and competence. These efforts are expected to increase the effectiveness of restoratif justice application and benefit all parties involved, including victims, perpetrators, and the broader community.


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How to Cite
Ananda, Ngurah Madawa. 2024. “Implementation of Restorative Justice in Supporting Case Resolution in the Jurisdiction of the Pasuruan Police”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 7 (9).