Samapta Unit's Efforts in Suppressing the Crime Cases of Theft through Dialogical Patrol at Tulungagung Police

  • Bramantya Asawiratama Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Tindak Pidana, Curanmor, Patroli Dialogis


The number of motor vehicle theft crimes at the Tulungagung Police Station has increased from 2021 to 2022. The process of handling this is by conducting Dialogical Patrols. Dialogic patrol is a police activity that develops a two-way communication pattern between Patrol members and the community to exchange information. The aim of this research is to analyze the efforts of the Samapta Unit in suppressing criminal cases of theft through dialogical patrols at the Tulungagung Police Station and the factors that influence the efforts of the Samapta Unit in suppressing criminal cases of theft through dialogical patrols at the Tulungagung Police Station. The concepts used in this research are the performance concept, patrol concept, theft concept, samapta concept, theft concept, management theory and communication theory. The research method used is field research and qualitative research. Data sources were obtained from primary data and secondary data using interview, observation and literature study methods. The results of the research show that the dialogical patrol activities carried out by Samapta are very helpful in maintaining Public Order and Security in the Tulungagung area. It can be seen that the intensity of theft crimes that occur has decreased. This is supported by the members' ability to communicate well with the community so that the Tulungagung community trusts and supports the patrol activities carried out by the police. Another thing that makes dialogic patrols successful is the support of complete facilities and infrastructure so that patrol activities can be carried out well.


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How to Cite
Asawiratama, Bramantya. 2024. “Samapta Unit’s Efforts in Suppressing the Crime Cases of Theft through Dialogical Patrol at Tulungagung Police”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 3 (3).