The Effectiveness of the Police Goes to School Program in Minimizing Traffic Violations by Students in the Mojokerto Police Resort Jurisdiction

  • Andi Arkan Bakti Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Kata Kunci : Efektivitas, Police Goes to School, Pelanggaran Lalulintas, Pelajar


According to traffic violation data in 2022, East Java province recorded 400,137 ticketing enforcements, with a specific focus on Mojokerto Regency having 11,639 traffic violations. Out of the 11,639 traffic violations, 4,440 were committed by students. In response to this, concrete efforts are needed from the Mojokerto Police Resort to increase public awareness to minimize traffic violations, especially by students within the jurisdiction of the Mojokerto Police Resort. Therefore, research is needed to determine the effectiveness of the Police Goes to School Dikmas Lantas Program and the management system implemented to minimize traffic violations by students. A qualitative approach with field research is used as the method in this study. Data collection is conducted through interview techniques, observation, and documentary studies. This research utilizes Management theory, Competency theory, Effectiveness theory, and Rhetoric theory, accompanied by the concepts of Dikmas, Police Goes to School, Traffic Violations, and Students. Based on the results of field research, it is shown that the implementation of the Police Goes to School program is not yet effective due to the lack of technology utilization, thus still relying on conventional methods. The lack of quantity and quality of personnel, inadequate facilities and infrastructure supporting the use of technology, failure to achieve the objectives of Police Goes to School due to errors in target selection and time utilization. The effectiveness of the Police Goes to School Program in minimizing traffic violations by students plays an important role in creating road safety and order in the jurisdiction of the Mojokerto Police Resort.


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How to Cite
Bakti, Andi Arkan. 2024. “The Effectiveness of the Police Goes to School Program in Minimizing Traffic Violations by Students in the Mojokerto Police Resort Jurisdiction”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 7 (6).