Investigation Efforts for Burglary Crimes Using the IMEI Trace Method by the Criminal Investigation Unit of Majalengka Police

  • Andika Zanuar Ramadhan Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Investigation Efforts for Burglary Crimes Using the IMEI Trace Method by the Criminal Investigation Unit of Majalengka Police


In the last 3 years the act of murder by weighting is the most common crime in Majalengka district with 114 cases. The number of these crimes is not proportional to the number of unequal crimes or Total Crimes is far more than Clereance Crimes, a method that can be used to increase Crime Clereance is very much needed, one method that can be used are trace IMEI. This study tries to analyze and describe the experiments and factors that influence the evaluation of acts of violence using the IMEI tracking method by the Majalengka Police Satreskrim (case study with suspect Ahmad Mustofa et al). The research location in Majalengka Police Station with the focus of the research is to describe efforts to investigate criminal acts using IMEI tracking methods. This study uses qualitative methods with the type of case study research. Using data triangulation (Moleong; 2006: 330) 4 (four) kinds of techniques, namely sources, theories and techniques as well as primary, secondary and tertiary data sources. Data validity is data reduction, data display, conclusion assessment and verification. This research uses the theory of criminal acts (moeljatno), system analysis theory (jogiyanto), theory of not management (hasibuan) and also the concept of driving with weighting (Article 363 of the Criminal Code), the concept of discussion (Article 1 Paragraph (5) of the Criminal Procedure Code), the concept of Head Regulation The Republic of Indonesia National Police Number 6 Year 2019 concerning Criminal Investigations and the concept of tracking IMEI. Description of the theft carried out by the suspect Ahmad Mustofa et al in accordance with the Police Report made by the victim who explained the theft of 182 mobile phones of various types of brands / types with a loss of Rp.268,654,000. Efforts to investigate criminal offenses by tracking IMEI are carried out in 4 (four) stages, namely (1) identification; (2) Understanding; (3) Analysis; (4) Report. The factors that influence the operation of this method consist of 6 (six) excluding humans, money, methods, materials, machinery, markets. The conclusion is that the act committed by the suspect Ahmad Mustofa et al is a criminal offense because it has fulfilled the unsuccessful according to criminal theory (moeljatno). The investigation using the IMEI tracking method was carried out by developing and analyzing IMEI data search results consisting of 4 (four) main stages. Furthermore, the factors that support and inhibit the IMEI traceability method are analyzed with the theory of uns management 6 (six) M (hasibuan)


teori tindak pidana (moeljatno)
teori analisis sistem (jogiyanto)
teori unsur manajemen (hasibuan)
How to Cite
Ramadhan, Andika Zanuar. 2024. “Investigation Efforts for Burglary Crimes Using the IMEI Trace Method by the Criminal Investigation Unit of Majalengka Police”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 1 (6).