Implementation of Community Policing by the Satbinmas Polres Blitar Kota in Preventing Acts of Violence Against Children

  • Shodiqur Rifqi Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Kata Kunci : Implementasi, Polmas, Satuan Binmas, Tindak kekerasan terhadap anak


The change in police mindset that originally prioritized enforcement efforts has now shifted to prevention efforts or preemptive and preventive efforts. Indonesia is indeed a state of law, but in the implementation of law enforcement, law enforcement is not the priority, but prevention before a crime occurs is a priority. One of the implementers of preemptive and preventive efforts in the police is the Binmas Function. Criminal acts that occur today vary in type, but acts of violence against children are cases that disturb the community so they must be prevented through efforts from the police. One of the efforts carried out by the National Police, especially the Binmas Unit, is Community Policing which makes the community itself a partner in crime prevention. Through the implementation of this Polmas, whether the National Police can prevent acts of violence against children that are rife in society today is a discussion in this article.


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How to Cite
Rifqi, Shodiqur. 2024. “Implementation of Community Policing by the Satbinmas Polres Blitar Kota in Preventing Acts of Violence Against Children”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 7 (5).