Implementation of Community Policing by Bhabinkamtibmas to Prevent Drug Abuse in the Jurisdiction of Madiun Police

  • Steven Timanta Dimas Bangun Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Implementasi, Polmas, Bhabinkamtibmas, Pencegahan, Penyalaahgunaan Narkoba, Polres Madiun


The facts in the field show that implementation Community policing by Bhabinkamtibmas Madiun Police is still not being implemented properly. This is indicated by an increase in drug abuse problems in Madiun. lack of implementation of community policing by Bhabinkamtibmas Polres Madiun which was caused by a lack of planning stages Bhabinkamtibmas, understanding of communication to the community, and the lack of it preparation regarding the information or appeal that will be conveyed. Therefore Therefore, the author provides suggestions and input to the Madiun Police Binmas Unit as a control function for Bhabinkamtibmas to implement community policing by Bhabinkamtibmas to prevent drug abuse, namely carry out vocational education for Bhabinkamtibmas and provide community policing training in implementing communicative community policing by considering the existing aspects, as well as understanding the message you want delivered and received input information provided by public.


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How to Cite
Bangun, Steven Timanta Dimas. 2024. “Implementation of Community Policing by Bhabinkamtibmas to Prevent Drug Abuse in the Jurisdiction of Madiun Police”. Advances in Police Science Research Journal 7 (5).