Proceedings of Police Academy Billingual Seminar <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This Proceedings of Police Academy Billingual Seminar introduces papers by the Indonesian Police Academy (Akpol) cadets at a seminar on digital leadership in policing. The cadets' papers highlight the application of digital leadership across five core policing functions: investigation, community policing, patrol, traffic, and intelligence. The cadets’ papers present innovative uses of digital platforms, such as social media and dedicated applications, to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in crime prevention, investigation, and community engagement. The papers show the growing importance of police research, the INP’s commitment to problem-oriented policing, and the implementation of digital leadership</em></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Prosiding Seminar Bilingual Akademi Kepolisian ini memperkenalkan makalah-makalah yang disusun oleh Taruna Akademi Kepolisian (Akpol) dalam seminar mengenai kepemimpinan digital dalam kepolisian. Makalah-makalah tersebut menyoroti penerapan kepemimpinan digital pada lima fungsi inti kepolisian: FT Reserse, FT Binmas, FT Sabhara, FT Lantas, dan FT Intelijen. Makalah-makalah ini menyajikan inovasi dalam pemanfaatan platform digital, seperti media sosial dan aplikasi khusus, untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas dalam pencegahan kejahatan, investigasi, dan keterlibatan masyarakat. Makalah-makalah tersebut menunjukkan pentingnya penelitian kepolisian yang semakin berkembang, komitmen Polri terhadap model pemolisian berbasis masalah, serta implementasi kepemimpinan digital.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> Indonesian National Police Academy en-US Proceedings of Police Academy Billingual Seminar EDITORIAL COMMENT: Police Research and Digital Leadership <p><em>This editorial comment introduces papers by the Indonesian Police Academy (Akpol) cadets at a seminar on digital leadership in policing. The cadets' papers highlight the application of digital leadership across five core policing functions: investigation, community policing, patrol, traffic, and intelligence. The cadets’ papers present innovative uses of digital platforms, such as social media and dedicated applications, to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in crime prevention, investigation, and community engagement. The papers show the growing importance of police research, the INP’s commitment to problem-oriented policing, and the implementation of digital leadership.</em></p> Eko Suprihanto Hady Winarno Nugroho Ari Setyawan Muhammad Imam Farid Satrio Bagaskara Gunadi Putra Jarot Muchtar Copyright (c) 2025 Proceedings of Police Academy Billingual Seminar 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 1 1 1 4 Binmas Online System V2: Effectiveness and Performance Improvement of “Bhabinkamtibmas” in Cirebon City Police Resort <p><em>Digital transformation can have a significant impact on the police, because the use of information technology which is the main basis of digital transformation can enable the police to be able to analyze information faster, process larger and more accurate data, and provide more effective services to the public. To solidify the performance of maintaining public security, strengthening the performance of Bhabinkamtibmas was carried out with the launch of Binmas Online System Version 2 (BOS V2) by Baharkam Polri on May 5, 2021 which helps Bhabinkamtibmas carry out their duties. However, the use of the Binmas Online System Version 2 (BOS V2) application is still not effective and has not been able to support the implementation of Bhabinkamtibmas tasks at the Cirebon City Police Station. This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the Binmas Online System (BOS V2) application in improving the performance of Bhabinkamtibmas as well as improving the performance of Bhabinkamtibmas after the use of the Binmas Online System (BOS V2) application at Cirebon City Police. The method used in this research is qualitative. The theories and concepts used include effectiveness theory, technology acceptance theory, Bhabinkamtibmas concept, and Binmas Online System (BOS V2) concept. The results showed that based on the indicators measuring effectiveness in the theory of effectiveness, it can be concluded that the objectives of BOS V2 and Bhabinkamtibmas have not been achieved and the BOS V2 application still has a number of shortcomings in terms of features and functionality including the inability of the server to be reached, limited time for sending reports, and inconsistencies in data input.</em></p> Riza Elvira Amalia Pontoh Azhar Ghazi Saepuloh NL Wira Putri Utami Muhammad Ade Maulana Duta Umari Tauhid Harris Dimas Wicaksono Copyright (c) 2025 Proceedings of Police Academy Billingual Seminar 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 1 1 11 11 The Effectiveness of Four-Wheel Patrol Utilizing Whatsapp for Preventing Motorcycle Theft at Pabuaran Police Sector in Cirebon Police Resort <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of four-wheeled patrols utilizing WhatsApp in preventing motorcycle theft (curanmor) within the jurisdiction of the Pabuaran Police Sector, Polresta Cirebon. The research employs a qualitative method with data collection techniques including participatory observation, structured and unstructured interviews, and document analysis. The findings indicate that WhatsApp-based patrols contribute to enhanced supervision but remain partially effective due to various challenges. The primary obstacles include a limited number of personnel, suboptimal use of technology, and low public awareness regarding vehicle security. This study suggests improving supervision, optimizing digital technology, and educating the public to support patrol effectiveness and foster a safer environment in the Pabuaran Police Sector area.</em></p> Grant Harold Sitorus Copyright (c) 2025 Proceedings of Police Academy Billingual Seminar 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 1 1 12 12 Driving License Examination by Cimahi Police Traffic Regident Unit to Enhance Drivers Competence <p><em>This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of driving license testing practices implemented by the Cimahi Police Regident Unit in improving motor vehicle driver competence. The research focuses on the application of technology, particularly the Computer-Based Test (CBT) system, and the role of digital leadership in enhancing the testing process. Qualitative research methods, including interviews, observations, and document analysis, were employed to collect data from various stakeholders, such as police officers, driving examiners, and test takers. The findings reveal that the implementation of the CBT system has significantly improved the efficiency and objectivity of the testing process. However, challenges such as technical issues and the need for continuous training for examiners persist. Moreover, the study underscores the importance of strong digital leadership in driving the digital transformation of the testing process. Recommendations are provided to further optimize the testing practices and enhance driver competence, including strengthening technical support, providing regular training for examiners, and fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within the unit.</em></p> Althafandika Yaqzhan Copyright (c) 2025 Proceedings of Police Academy Billingual Seminar 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 1 1 8 8 The Implementation of “E-Manajemen Penyidikan” in Increasing Crime Clearance to Reduce Crime Percentage <p><em>This study examines the impact of the E-Manajemen Penyidikan (E-MP) system on crime clearance rates. The E-MP system, a web-based application, is designed to streamline investigative processes and enhance the efficiency of law enforcement agencies. Analyzing the findings through suitable theories; Management Information System, Legal Certainty, and Perkabareskrim No.1 of 2022. Employing a qualitative research approach, this study explores the experiences of police officers in utilizing the E-MP system. The findings suggest that the E- MP system has the potential to significantly improve crime clearance rates by facilitating data- driven decision-making, enhancing collaboration among investigators, and streamlining administrative tasks. However, the successful implementation of the E-MP system hinges on factors such as adequate training, technical support, and supportive organizational culture. This study contributes to the growing body of research on the use of technology in law enforcement and provides valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners seeking to improve the effectiveness of criminal investigations.</em></p> Prasna Daniswara Copyright (c) 2025 Proceedings of Police Academy Billingual Seminar 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 1 1 14 14 Effectiveness of Media Intelligence in Supporting the 2024 Regional Elections <p><em>The 2024 Regional Elections in Indonesia, held in conjunction with legislative and presidential elections, mark a critical moment for democratic governance, presenting both opportunities and complex challenges in maintaining security and order. The simultaneous elections introduce new risks in the form of misinformation, computational propaganda, and cyber threats due to advancements in information technology and the spread of the post-truth phenomenon. In response, the Indonesian National Police have implemented "Operation Mantap Praja 2024," an initiative designed to secure each stage of the electoral process. This study explores the strategic application of media intelligence within this operation, specifically in areas of early detection and information monitoring, to anticipate and address security vulnerabilities in real time. Media intelligence plays a pivotal role in this context by enabling the analysis of vast data from various media sources, utilizing open-source intelligence (OSINT), data mining, and machine learning techniques. This capability allows for timely intervention and proactive measures against potential threats, enhancing the resilience of public security efforts during the electoral period. Key areas of focus include digital leadership, resource allocation, and the integration of media intelligence with conventional policing strategies. Findings indicate that effective application of media intelligence not only strengthens public security but also supports the democratic process by mitigating polarization and the spread of misinformation. This research contributes valuable insights into how media intelligence can be institutionalized within law enforcement to safeguard democratic practices, particularly in an era characterized by rapid technological change and heightened political dynamics</em></p> Trevian Siboro Copyright (c) 2025 Proceedings of Police Academy Billingual Seminar 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 1 1 16 16 Kepemimpinan Perwira Muda Akademi Kepolisian di Era Digital Menuju Indonesia Emas 2045 <p><em>Visi Indonesia Emas bertujuan menjadikan Indonesia sebagai Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang bersatu, berdaulat, maju, dan berkesinambungan pada tahun 2045, dengan pilar utama berupa pembangunan manusia serta penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Kepemimpinan digital, sebagai bentuk kepemimpinan yang memanfaatkan teknologi digital, menjadi kunci transformasi digital nasional dan diharapkan mendukung pencapaian Visi Indonesia Emas 2045. Artikel ini mengeksplorasi tantangan dan memformulasikan peran kepemimpinan Perwira Muda Akademi Kepolisian dalam menghadapi perkembangan teknologi sebagai bagian dari megatren global guna mendukung Visi dan Misi Polri menuju Indonesia Emas 2045. Perwira Muda Akademi Kepolisian, sebagai First Line Supervisor dan pelaksana fungsi kepolisian, diharapkan mampu beradaptasi dengan tren teknologi serta perubahan dalam governansi publik, respons masyarakat terhadap teknologi, dan fenomena global di dunia kerja. Dalam mendukung terwujudnya Visi dan Misi Polri menuju Indonesia Emas 2045, Perwira Muda Akademi Kepolisian harus mampu tampil sebagai pemimpin dan memiliki kompetensi yang memadai dalam memimpin, serta menjadi tauladan bagi anggota-anggotanya. Ia juga harus dekat dan mampu merangkul seluruh anggota, serta memiliki kemampuan komunikasi personal, mampu menjadi motivator, pendengar yang baik, dan pemecah masalah (problem solver) yang handal. Selain itu, Ia harus mampu mendorong dan mengembangkan setiap anggota untuk tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai dengan tuntutan tugas, serta mampu membangun dan membentuk karakter anggota untuk menjadi sosok anggota Polri yang berani dan siap bertanggung jawab atas apa yang telah dikerjakan.</em></p> Yimmy Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2025 Proceedings of Police Academy Billingual Seminar 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 1 1 15 15 Police Research for the Indonesian National Police Cadets <p><em>This paper aims to explain police research. The study for this paper is conducted through a narrative literature review. The study finds that police research is a new field. The research is initially critical but later enriched with an evidence-based view. Police research is challenging because of the difficulty of the researchers collaborating with the police and translating research into practice. There are some steps (for a police researcher) to conduct research in policing successfully. The police cadets are inside researchers. They may have less difficulty entering the police organisation. Some points are suggested for the police cadets to be potential practitioner-academics (pracademic) in improving policing.</em></p> Nugroho Ari Setyawan Copyright (c) 2025 Proceedings of Police Academy Billingual Seminar 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 1 1 19 19